Saturday, September 10, 2005

nineteen: yosemite sickness

hilde, remember how we had to drive out of yosemite in the dark and how long it took us and made us feel dizzy. well, same thing happened today. going out of yosemite wasn't so easy. first i had to get 13 germand on my bus who where part of a group of which the bus had broken down. so that gave us a delay and then i had two people missing in the park. i joked about them being eaten by a bear but after 20 minutes i did start to go look around. we ended up driving out of the park at 4h30 and although the sun sets at 18 it did get pretty dark in the park as it's a valley. the people in the bus got really sick after two hours of climbing in the sierra nevada bend after bend. there's wasn't really tension on the bus, but the dutch really don't like the germans. we know this to be a fact, but it's very deep with them. the jokes they made were funny but offended the germans. i have again a lot of young people on the bus who are typically dutch. i like that: very frank. but it is difficult to deal with. the jokes i had to hear about the belgians and the flemish. whatever.

i didn't get to see much of yosemite as i had to deal with the other tour guides. but i still like the tunnel view where you see the granite rocks El Capitan and Half Dome. i didn't have time to go see the big sequioa trees. am in fresno now. boring fresno. the middle of nowhere. the fruit basket of the states. with free internet. hooray. tomorrow on to vegas. again. i have such a great job. i think you guys must be tired of reading about this 'cos i would be if someone wrote about seeing all the things i see. i'm sorry about that.


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