Friday, September 16, 2005

21: expeditie southwest

it's going to be a long one, but you'll have to laugh... read on

i feel like i'm on expidition southwest, my own variation of Expeditie Robinson (the dutch/flemish version of Survivor). it's like i'm the leader of Kamp Noord. One Flemish leader with a bunch of dutch particpants who do not get along.

i almost finished my western highlights tour and i will be so happy when it's over. dear god. some people can complain. but more about that in the next post.

the people on my bus are all dutch. two of them are the most cliche example of the dutch person that we hate as flemish. they are loud, arrogant, nag all the time, never listen and are of course incredibly 'mean' in the sense that they hate spending money. they are called Mr and Mrs Budding. God, it is so incredibly difficult for me not to lash out at them. i so much want to ridicule them for the entire bus, but i don't. i did say one thing yesterday that made some people laugh. he had slammed an overhead compartment while i was standing in the bus talking holding me tight to the compartment. my middlefinger got hurt and he said: i hope you don't have to play piano tonight. so i said for the entire bus (microphone); no piano no, but i might need to stick up my finger later on....

the guy has a hearing aid but he still speaks so loud that the entire bus hears him complain and moan and just be an asshole. his wife is so stupid. but hey, she's married to succesfull businessman. i'm sure the guy was succesfull but he's not the one to make decisions on my bus. which he tries to do. a few days ago he told me that a lot of people on the bus don't think i'm clear. so he spoke for the entire group. i told the group (microphone) that if someone thinks i'm not clear enough that they have to say it to me and not via someone else. of course nobody came to complain to me because most are okay.

one guy isn't. he's even worse than the old guy because he's smart. the old guy is just old. he just left the tour (planned, not forced) and refused to pay for the city tour in las vegas that i conducted because he didn't get to see any show. duh. whatever. his wife seemed nice though. but he was just too much. i'm glad he's off the bus because he and the old guy just try to bring a bad atmosphere in the bus. i did bring on the drama. i am such a good actor at times. and they ended up giving me half of the tip they needed to give me. especially because his wife started to feel sorry for me. she was actually very sweet.

so these are the two assholes that made this trip hell at times. however, i am lucky the others. cos they could start complaining too but they don't. there's one guy with his wife, his sister and her best friend. i like them. they are quite old but i see sparkels in their eyes which is good. then there are two sisters who also left the group today and whose words were very touching. tears came to my eyes and it wasn't all acting. there a very cool middle aged couple on the bus who have a son in chicago and they are cool although the guy hangs out with mr budding. another couple hangs out with mr budding too but that's because they are so incredibly dependent. i hate that. some people need to be hold by the hand. i am so not a good tour guide for those people.

and i forgot miss tarnowska. i don't know on what planet she lives but she's polish and married to an older dutch guy. i don't understand that lady and she doesn't understand me. she just goes on and on and on but she says nothing. we did a walk in the bryce canyon and i constantly had to ask her to move on. she was constantly filming in stead of emjoying the walk. she's too weird to describe. there's another weird guy on the bus but he's okay. a bit creepy but so lost in the world. i thought he would be a problem in the beginning but now he seems to be happy. mr budding is trying to get him on his side. that old guy is really playing a game. you cannot believe how he tries to influence others. the lost one took 20 pictures of me and offered me a place in his room that one night i didn't have a room. he also wanted to see an erotic show in vegas and asked if we sell that as an excursion.

there are also two lady friends on the bus. i thought they were lesbians but they aren't one of them has a son like me and she's so motherly to me. it's nice. she's sick today. had to throw up and shit at the same time. hooray. but she's very sweet although everybody thinks that she and her friends nag so much. they really complain but it's girly complaints. they laugh with my jokes so that's good. i talked about how they have found shit of the old native american tribes, dissected it and found that there were human bones in it. i talked about how cool of a job that must be to like study shit that is 600 y old. moest aan jouw denken danny. haha

and then i have a bunch of young people who get along very well. they are really a group and i would love to hang out with them more. i took them to the hard rock cafe but the last couple of days i was too tired to do something. they did go out in flagstaff to the student bars and i wanted to go but didn't and yesterday they played volley in the swimming pool.

cynthia mulder is a cool girl. she has a good sense of humor. debbie de jong is very cute but she's a bit bored on the bus really. she's on a holiday with a friend but not her boyfriend and gets along great with another guy of the bus who's here with his best friend. then you have an uncle and his nephew who are really cool the uncle is like the oldest of the young group and the nephew is the youngest on the bus (19 or so) but he's so funny. they joke with me but i joke back. i'd love to do a great tour with them. another young couple is a bit distant from the group but the perfect tourists. alwasy on time. do what they want to do and don't really complain or need too much assistance.

did i forget a dutch person? oh yes one nerdy guy who doesn't really hang out with the young group but who is accepted by them. we talk about star wars.

writing this i'm thinking why do i make this tour be so cold because of those two assholes one of which left today. oh well.. tomorrow universal.


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