Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Vienna Brussels Macho Men 2

we went to the beergarden in Regensburg today. we got 40 people. almost a third of our group, to join us. it was fun. some of the people who went with us really wanted to experience the thing. i don t have such an adventurous group so i only had a few people go with us, but the macho gang from rebecca s group went along. my god. these men..

i like them. i like old macho men in general. they are so over the top macho that it is funny. these guys are patriotic thought. yesterday was 9 11 and they asked if they could put an american flag on our hospitality desk. which we did. they were happy. then at dinner time we had one minute silence. also very liked and asked for by the same gang. we had fun entertainment on board yesterday and thew really were the stars of the evening. fun people but not really the most popular

tonight at the beer garden they were at their best again. some of their questions and remarks are really interesting. one of them asked: the german tourguide was talking about the nazis this morning as if they were from another country. i mean the germans were nazis why doesnt he talk about them as his people?´a reaction to that questions from another guy: ´yeah we bombed vietnam, i am proud of them, i don t care talking about that´.. then they started discussing amongst each other. the older men just served in WWII and say it was the biggest war ever, but the others who fought in vietnam and korea boasted their war was bigger and worse because they never won... arjan does not like these conversations. i find them very interesting.

these guys like rebecca, but they just tease her a lot. but rebecca is cool and really knows how to deal with them. their wives were on the ship of course. really it s 6 buddies going drinking. but somehow they do listen to what we say and are quite polite and funny. yet they are so patriotic. with american flag jacket and all. some people find it scary.


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