Friday, September 23, 2005

34 natural and other disasters

so i arrived in miami when huriccane katrina struck and i am going back to florida after hurricane rita came through. i have seen some footage of key west and it doesn't look nice there. i hope most of the people on my bus cancel there trip. but i don't think that will happen.

these hurricanes are quite something. i hear rita has changed into a category 3 hurricane. so the damage wont' be that bad. today i thought. maybe the gas companies made a deal with god cos you should see the prices of gas here. of course it is still nothing compared to what we pay in europe. but still. it's double to four times as much as when i lived here six years ago. i saw the images of the people from houston fleeing out of the city. did you see those traffic jams. my god. i would never want to be in there. i think i would stay.

i felt an earthquake yesterday. it was really weird cos i was sitting on my desk at the office and suddenly my desk was moving. i had talked about earthquakes on the bus coming into LA and i did tell the people that you have a lot of earthquakes in LA but i didn't exect to feel one while i was here.

another thing happened when i was in the office. everybody got up to look outside for a plane crash. it was really hilarious how everybody just let everything drop to go see the crash. i continued doing what i had to do (look up stuff) but all the other were in total excitement of seeing a plane crash. there was disappointment when the plane landed safely in LAX. i watched the news later on the day and it was pretty spectacular though how that plane landed. they had blocked off all the highways and roads up to LAX so also the street where the office is at. and the plane did fly in over our boulevard.


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