Wednesday, October 05, 2005

46 new england beats england in beauty


really wow

that whole foliage thing here is so beautiful. i had no idea what to expect. i never thought i would see the brown/yelow/green/red colors in one tree. sometimes al the colors are next to each other and when you drive by them you have this cool color movie. it is real y the most amazing natural thing i h ave ever sen. sure Bryce canyon is stil the most beautiful thing i have sen so far but this is also amazing

we left portland to go to new hampshire and do a sling tour in the white mountains range. first we had a lot of fog. but then we saw the beauty. WOW. my people just want to stop every single minute to take pictures. we have such beautiful weather and i canot blame them. so i alow th em but we constantly run behind schedule. they love the covered bridges. i think they are just ok. and they love the graveyards and white churches. me too. we have not seen moose yet. but we have seen waterfalls and of course the mulicolored trees. i liked the Kancamagus highway a lot (named after this native american chief who tried to get al the tribes together as a union against the americans. a bit like we try with the EU. he failed however) that was beautiful. then we stoped at this famous rock formation that has tumbled down and just is not worth stopping at (it used to lok like an old man, but now you just se the forhead of it) bretton woods was a disappointment. i thought that hotel (the one from The Shining) would be more imposing. also because there was no snow on mount washingon which loked like a normal mountain realy. i have trouble with this keyboard. i canot sem to type to leters after one another. two of the same leter i mean. whatever i did go up the wildcat mountain with this gondola thing. saksia had to think of you when i was on it cos i made me fel like on our day trip in the ardenen however this was a 15 minute ride up with a biger view we we stayed at th is place caled gorham where i had diner with my driver who is a real col guy.

his sister pased away though. they send him a mesage tonight and he canot leave the tour which sucks of course. i don't know what i have to do if someone i am close to dies. i would just demand to get me of the tour.

today we started with fog too. then it became beter. we stoped a few times and one unexpected stop was co ol in bath. some guy owns four unique stores there and he has 40 buses a day coming in. it is cool though. an old supermakert than this shop with al vinyl on the ceiling and then a litle church where you can buy stuf plus a covered bridge. some of the pax on my bus wanted to visit the biggest granite quary int he world so i made a detour for that. most of the pax liked it. i liked it to exept that my schedule totaly mesed up fot the day. the visit is ok if you want to see how they make grave stones and stuff. you actualy se them do it. we had lunch in montpellier whjich i absolutley loved. really,. it has a state capitol and some nice shops and restaurants and it just looks sweet. it has a goiod city museu; too. i wanted to stay there longer. we went to the ben and jery facotry but there were too many people thinking the same thing so we could not get in. i would have loved to visit it as i love ben and jery ice cream but only 6 were realy interested in that. isn t that funy? they prefer granite quarries to ice cream factories.

the road to the hotel was long but we made some stops on demand. they just want to stop every single time they se e a picturesaue something and they blame me when we stop to o far and they have to go back. someone asked me if i liked taking pictures if i like photography cos i only stop at places were they can only take normal pictures without god anlges. so i todl her - she is the bus bitch - "if i want to take unique pictures of a place i rent a car and stop where i want to stop, i do not go on a bus trip." i had to say it. she is the kind of german who wants everything structured in her life. she hates the fact that i canot say when we wil stop for lunch. she does not like my 'we'll see' answer

again bad communication upon arrival at hotel. i had caled to reconfirm everything and to ask info but the info that was given was wrong again. i decide d to take them to a supermarket before going to the hotel because i had the news there was no breakfast in the hotel and no restsaurant. we arive and that person gives me breakfast vouchers for the next day and shows me a german restaurant acros the stret. DAMN. also there was no rom for me and the driver so we had to go somewhere else. far away. i hate ATI my employer.
still: new england WOW


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