Thursday, September 29, 2005

41 florida sunshine second time around

it's always much more relaxing if you do a tour that you have done before. it is a huge difference. i am starting to get a bit afraid of my new england trip as that will be totally new. i am looking forward to the trip itself but not to the questions the people will ask me. guide book never mention things that bus passengers want to know. (that restroom thing is really such a problem)

we have better weather than last month. there was less traffic as well. even less tourist then end of august. everything looks dead here. key west was EMPTY. it is extremely hot here and humid. i don't like that weather at all. it's sticky. you want to shower all the time. key west is nice but it was my fourt time and there's really not that much to see and do there. it is also very expensive.

the airboat on the everglades was ok but we didn't see any wildlife either. my guess is that they never see animals cos the guy gave us a totally differen reason this time to the questions why there were no animals. last month the reason was that the birds and the alligators were staying at their nests to hatch the eggs. this time the reason was that the water is too high and that the animals look for places in the everglades where thne nwater ins lower...

the alligator show was cooler though. we had an earlier show so the alligators were hungy. they made these cool noises and the guy almost had his balls bitten of when an alligator runned towards him in the back. the amazing thing was that everybody saw the alligator run to the guy and nobody yelled: Watch out. i think everybody thought it was part of the 'show' but the guy was really lucky... those jaws.... wow.... there were lots of animals i the safari park so that was cool because last time we didn't see them...

i didn't go to the beach in naples as i had to drop off that one person oin fort myers beach. but the beaches on the westcoast of florida are so much more beautiful than in miami and the east coast. really if you go to florida for a beach holiday go to the west, the gulf coast. the beaches are AWESOME. really.

i bought that belgie t shirt in tampa which was on sale. i hadn't founf it anymore in the US, just there in tampa. cool ha to find a t shirt in the US with BELGIE on it and ot belgium or belgique... i also bought a NFL shirt from a quarterback called FAVRE. sounds like Favoreel so that's cool. i just don't see myself walk around with a shirt like that.

in orlando now. bored again cos i don't get free tickets to the fun parks here. will read about new england and check my mails

bye bye to you all. i miss hanging out with you guys and girls.


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