Friday, September 23, 2005

37 big blue bus number 3

i love taking bus number three that goes from the airport to santa monica. it is such a cool bus cos you encounter so many different people. first you have the european tourists who don't mind taking the public transport. you will never meet americans on that bus. ever. they just don't take the bus. then you have the mexicans of course as 70 per cent of the people here seem to be mexicans and the african americans. you have the kids, the mothers with their babies, the semi homeless, the drug addicts... they are all the bus... today was crazy again. this black crackhead woman started fighting with this tatooed bum and the bus had to stop to first throw the guy off and then later the woman. fun!!!!!!!!!!! then there was this tourist who was SO lost on the bus that they started making a fool of him because he showed he was afraid. there was one seat empty but he didn't take it because it was in between two heavy hiphop dressed mexicans. so they did address him about it. if he was too afraid to sit next to them. they guy pretended not to understand them.

i sat in the cool corner in the back of course. next to me a mexican kid with some tijuana music coming out of his headphones. then opposite of me this heavey latino gang member kind of guy who was just released from prison and a black women next to him. also in my corner: one super hot latino girl and a black girl who was playing with her dreads. some other black kid (typically dressed as if it's freezing outside with oversized nfl clothes) tried to impress the hair playing girl and actually made a pass at her which was really cool cos she played along and it was like watching blind date on mtv or something. next to me was a cool older guy who looked like celso and who stole my heart of course but he was almost falling asleep until he got interested in the dating game and gave comments on the guy how he could never impress the girl talking like that. so after like 30 minutes 5 people were following and arguing about how to make impressions on girls.

those are the bus rides i love..................................... i really love that kind of stuff

i ended up meeting the celso lookalike in the third street promenade and had a talk with him. he used to be a drug addict and homeless and did now some volunteer work. he had no teeth and he was around 50 or so but he was cool. we talked abot the social system here and drugs and stuff. he's the kind of guy i would write an article about. i gave his society 5 dollars but that was primarily because he reminded me of celso. haha.


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