Monday, September 18, 2006

Brussels Vienna Knights Of Columbus

The patriot group of 12 who i referred to as the macho men turn out to be very nice tourists. they are loud and obnoxious at times and seeing them wear the american eagle flag on their jackets does scare a bit, but they are cool. they belong, as all americans seem to do, to a relgious group called the Knights Of Columbus. Very catholic, tzpical of Massachusettes, now that i read about it, they look like a fraternity. they were on my bus, so i hope they did not get offended with my negative biased opinion about the fraternities.

the unitarians are a bit wacko in the sense that they are really just normal agnostic people but they seem to be organised in a church anyway. i learned today that thomas jefferson was a unitarian. you learn something everyday. not that i will use that knowledge, but still..


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