Thursday, September 21, 2006

Brussels Vienna stress

it s getting to the end of the tour and i am more stressed than in the beginning. i had a few bad days. i had it in heidelberg. i really did not want to talk at all on the bus. then started thinking people weren t happy with that. getting paranoid a bit. next day in mainz i had to go to the dr with a passenger who has a cold. more on that later. in the afternoon i had to conduct the optional to ruedesheim where i had never been to before and had no clue what i had to do. then yesterday another optional that i had to do alone during which one of the passengers somehow got lost. today i am preparing the post in brussels and i still need to learn about delft and antwerp for the way up there on saturday. it is like i am in the exam period at school. every night studying. i was so much more relaxed on my previous trip. i also got a bit annoyed with my german colleague who is SO german when it comes to organising stuff. she has her way and cannot understand that someone does something in another way. i am like. whatever as long as the job gets done... . then this puffy woman. i hate to take her on the post. she annoys the hell out of me. there are more people that annoy me. it is the first time that i actually feel very annoyed with people this year. this one woman, who goes on the post with me as well, is just the most criticiying bitch on the trip. when everyone is having fun she thinks it is ´interesting´ but too noisy. will write a separate item on her. later. no time no. have to go. ciao..


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